How to Create
an Online Competition or Awards
Learn how to create an online contest or competition, for photo competitions, video competitions, awards, events, talent scouting and much more.
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Online competition Lifecycle
Online competitions have grown significantly in popularity over the past couple of years particularly due to COVID19.
While online competitions have always been used heavily by marketing teams to help increase brand awareness and source contacts, it is the skills based competitions which have increased in numbers significantly. These involve participants submitting content that voters or adjudicators score based on the skill demonstrated in the participants submission.
Skills based competitions can be used to replace or augment physical events. Examples include arts competitions, sporting competitions, pitch and entrepreneur competitions, speech competitions, talent shows, auditioning and more.
When setting up a skills-based competition there are multiple steps and phases in the process you need to consider and manage.
Steps for how to create an online competition

Submission information
The first thing to consider when collecting submissions is what information you want to collect. You need to strike the right balance between the information required to identify and assess the participants submission and ensuring that not too much information is requested so it does not create a barrier to entry.
As a rule of thumb, we recommend requesting only essential personally identifiable information e.g. Email and name.
The remaining submission information should be focused on the content that demonstrates the skill of the entrant.
This would typically include:
Video(s) or Photo(s) (depending on the type of event)
Entry title to summarise the submission
Description to describe in more detail the submission
Other information that is critical for voters or judges to assess the submission
While it is tempting to ask for lots of information, the more you ask for the more likely people will not enter the contest. This not only goes for the manually typed information but also in relation to the files requested.
For example, if you are asking for videos, ensure they are short and engaging and that you stress that professionally mastered videos are not required (unless the quality of the video is a key assessment criteria).

Categories are a great way to split up your submissions. This can help on multiple fronts. Firstly, it will make it easier to filter and view submissions for both voters and judges.
Secondly it can also provide you with an opportunity to implement different skills based assessments based on the category of the submissions and then providing different prizes based on category. Great examples are splitting entries based on either age, grade or experience.
Submission categories
Submission approval
It goes without saying that if you are presenting submissions in a public gallery then we would always recommend including an approval step before accepting each entry into your gallery.
This is critical for removing inappropriate submissions.
It can also be a good first step to weed out any submissions that do not fit the minimum criteria of the competition.
When an entry is approved or rejected an email should also be sent stating the next steps for the contest. You can also use this an opportunity to provide brand or promotional type messaging.

When submissions are received you then need to decide whether you want to display them in a gallery. A gallery could be made public or to a private group. When publishing a gallery you need to decide:
What information do you want displayed in the gallery?
What order do I want the entries to appear in?
What type of gallery do I want to display?
The information to display is extremely important as this will be used to help viewers and voters identify and engage with the submission. The information could include submission title, name, description, category, etc. as well as which videos, photos and other files you want displayed with each submission. You also need to be careful to not expose information that may be deemed personal or private unless the intent is for that information to be exposed as part of the contest. This includes potentially private files such as consent form, proof of identity files, etc.
The order of the gallery can also be important. Do you want entries ordered by receive date, votes, engagement or do you want it randomized? The style of gallery should also match the type of content you are collecting. If you are collecting images then a mosaic style gallery will be best suited as it will allow photos taken in different aspect ratios to be displayed beautifully. Whereas if you are collecting videos a more uniform 16:9 aspect ratio gallery such as seen on YouTube may be more desirable.
You should also define whether the gallery is to be presented as a leader board or just a standard browsing gallery. Leader boards are fantastic particularly for showing the top 6 or 10 submissions based on votes to encourage entrants to garner more votes.
Submission gallery
People's choice voting
Next is to decide whether you want winners to be determined by the public (or broader private group). Many contests will use this as an element for selecting winning entries such as a people’s choice award. Voting differs to judging in that voting has strict rules around how many votes can be submitted to entries via configured rules.
This is because typically voters will select a single or small subset of entries that they are interested in voting for. On the contrary Judging entries involves a panel of adjudicators who are focused on providing an assessment across all submissions assigned to them.

If you have determined that you want people to vote for submissions you need to decide whether you want to run one or more rounds of voting.
A common scenario is to run multiple rounds where the top voted submissions from the preceding round are progressed to the next round. This allows you to create an open round for all submissions and then finalist rounds for highest scored submissions. The number of rounds largely depends on the number of submissions you expect to receive, however using multiple rounds is a great way to re-engage voters over a longer period.
Voting periods
Identifying voters
Once you understand the period and number of vote rounds you want to run, the second step to running a fair voting process is to determine how you want to identify voters. There are different options available such as by IP address, email address, social account authentication or platform authentication (ContestPad supports the abilily for users to create an account).
We find that email validation is the most cost effective and sure way of authenticating voters. This involves requesting an email address when someone votes and then providing a unique link to the voter’s inbox that they must select in order to validate the voters identity

Voting rules
The last step is to managing vote fairness is to determine how often someone can vote for the same submission and how many submissions a voter can vote for. You may also decide to limit the number of votes per voting round or per category if you are wanting a people’s choice winner per category.
Voter Information
It goes without saying that if you are presenting submissions in a public gallery then we would always recommend including an approval step before accepting each entry into your gallery.
This is critical for removing inappropriate submissions.
It can also be a good first step to weed out any submissions that do not fit the minimum criteria of the competition.
When an entry is approved or rejected an email should also be sent stating the next steps for the contest. You can also use this an opportunity to provide brand or promotional type messaging.

Judging Panels
Many competitions require that the skill of the entrant be evaluated either in part or wholly based on the assessment from a skilled judge. Using well respected or celebrity-based judges in the field that the competition is focused is also a great way to boost submissions. To setup judging you need to determine some key aspects.
Firstly who are going to be your judges and how and what submissions are going to be allocated to judges.
You may want multiple judges assessing the same entries or you may want to distribute submissions to separate individuals or groups of judges. You could even decide to distribute submissions of specific categories to judges who may be more specialised in that category of submission.
Secondly you need to determine how you want your entries to be assessed. Typically, there are two main methods.
Assessment rating: This includes either a single rating or multiple assessment criteria (e.g. a RUBRIC) ratings. The number of criteria you choose greatly depends on the depth of assessment you want to conduct per submission. This may be influenced also by the volume of submissions each judge needs to assess. Rating based assessments are normally conducted earlier in the judging process particularly if there are multiple rounds of judging.
Ranking: This involves judges making a comparison assessment between multiple submissions that have been presented to each judge and allowing them to rank the submissions from favourite to least favourite.
This type of assessment is more commonly used for later rounds when the number of submissions progressed from previous rounds have been reduced to a more manageable number of submissions. This allows judges to compare submissions more easily between each other.
Once your rounds have been scored by all judges the scores should be tallied for each submission and then ordered to determine winners or submissions that will progress to the next round.

Announcing winners
Now that your submissions have been scored by either voting and/or judging it is time to select your winners.
Winners are obviously aligned to your awards. Awards can be a combination of either votes or judges score. If an award is solely based on the voting then this would be typically be something like a people’s choice award of some type. If you voting involves some kind of fundraising then the entry with the most votes may be based on the submission that raised to most donations.
Judged award winners are typically more aligned to the quality and skill of the submission.
Regardless how you are determining your winning submissions we would always recommend thinking about rewarding participants based on the key objectives you are trying to achieve. For example if list building is a key goal then reward entrants that received the vote unique votes. If it is about the capture of reusable content for your own purposes e.g. educational or marketing purposes then a judged submission may carry more weigth in the selection of winners.
It is also important to ensure you have enough rewards to encourage participation particularly when there will be a large number of submissions. The more participants feel there is a good chance of winning the competition the more likely they are to enter the contest.
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Accept payments for entry
Accept payment for votes
Secure payment gateway integration
Receipt emails
Transaction management
Sponsor options
Facebook, Twitter, Google+ sharing
Sign in with Facebook, Twitter or Google+
Capture entrant social details
Custom social share messages
Social voting gateway
Moderate registration, entries and comments
Automated moderation notifications

Judging round periods
Rating, ranking or assessment criteria
Judging groups
Dedicated judge scoring site
Judge progress indicators
Public voting with fraud detection
Limit number of voting entries and votes
Defined voting period
Social and email voting gateways
Use all sorts of metrics to score entries
Export, analyze and remove suspected fraudulent votes
Beautiful pre-made templates
Support multiple languages
Change colours, images and copy
Include explainer videos and counters
Social sharing widgets
Custom entry and registration fields
Full customization using the code editor
Capture multiple files per entry

Email Notifications
Notifications for contest events
Customize all messages
Enable or disable any messages
Integrate with Mailgun or own mailserver

YouTube Integration
Save videos into your designated channel
Replicated status control
Automated links back to your contest
Retrieve YouTube analytics

Users, groups and group security
Limit access to contest and entrants
Full user registration process
Import users from other systems
IP Whitelisting
Full site analytics
Video engagements
Device type detection
Social analytics
Link to other analytics such as Google

Full mobile responsive
Direct integration with mobile camera
Capture entries from mobile library

Capture entrant and voter details
Export data to CSV
Download all entries and entry data
Understand user behaviour

Supports all video and image formats
Streamed encoding
Adaptive streaming
Multiple bitrates optimized per device
Original format also stored

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You are in good company
Whether you are planning an internal staff, a public branding or social awareness contest or application review process we have all the tools you’ll need, all in one place.
Harcourts harnesses the power of Launchpad6’s competition hosting platform to drive employee engagement & showcase its new brand.
Fiverr and the New York Yankees team with Launchpad6 to create big league opportunities for small businesses.
World Dance Sport Federation opens up competition to all corners of the globe with with Launchpad6 to find the next Youth Olympian.
Luxury Escapes teams up with Launchpad6 to find a new and innovative way to capture the attention of travellers.

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