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Exciting new release of ContestPad!

We have been really busy enhancing ContestPad and we have some exciting new capability to share!

Many of our clients like to publish multiple contest campaigns at the same time. In the past this has required a separate subscription for each contest. Well not anymore! We have just released the ability to create and publish multiple contests from the one subscription. This is great for agencies or organisations that want to publish multiple contests each with their own design, branding and configuration while being able to centrally manage each contest from a single dashboard.

Contest Styling

Each contest can now have its own designed micro-sites, widgets and static pages. You can also set your own contest folder name that appears in the url.

You can style and preview each individual contest from the dashboard even if the contest is offline. Each contest also supports multi-language contest-sites.

Central User Management

Each contest can have its own user access permissions. This enables you to use the same ContestPad instance to run public contests alongside private contests such as employee or internal competitions.

Each contest can have individually assigned access groups.

Global Site Pages

Global ContestPad contest site page

Not only can you publish multiple contests at the same time, you can also now create a central global site to showcase your contests.

You can use this to create your very own contest community site.

Both past and present contests can be displayed as well as a consolidated area of the latest entries across all contests. Each contest can have its own individualised thumbnail for the contest gallery to instantly distinguish one contest from another.

The global pages also honour the permissions of each contest. This means only contests and entries that participants have access to will be displayed to each participant on the global site.

When a contest gallery item is selected the user is taken to the individually styled contest site.

Contest Cloning

ContestPad now provides the ability to clone contests with a single click of a button. Just select the "copy" option and the contest configuration and styling is all copied to a new contest. This option makes it a breeze to now leverage the designs and configurations of previous contests.

If you would like to find out more about this exciting new release do not hesitate to contact us for a demo.

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