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The power of the fan!

I look forward to every weekend when I can ride the wave of emotion watching my beloved Swans AFL football team’s titanic struggle for supremacy against their opposition.

The line between elation and utter disappointment is black and white. There is no middle ground.

A win means I can read, watch and listen about my teams victory for the entire week until we play again. A loss means total shutout of anything AFL. I just can’t bear to relive the loss all over again.

It’s this knife edge of emotion that makes us all so passionate. It’s a release from the mundane of everyday life.

Sporting organisations all over the world thrive off this passion to grow both community level involvement and more broadly regional and global sporting domination!

Capturing this undying love for one’s team just cannot be explained through words alone. Sporting organisations across the world are always looking for ways to capture this emotion and there is no more visual way to communicate a fans passion than through video.

I am often guilty of videoing a passionate rendition of my beloved Swans team song after a big win and sharing it with my friends.

Video and photo contests provide the ideal platform for capturing fans photo’s and videos just when the elation is at its highest. Then gamify the experience by rewarding the video or photo’s that get the most engagement.

Social shares, likes, comments, votes and more can be used to measure engagement and reward fans for their loyalty. Or setup a judging panel of experts to judge the most engaging and passionate fans!

When the contest is over you then have a library of fan generated content ready to use for your next campaign.

Want to find out how we can help? Then don’t hesitate to contact us at and we will make your next fan ambassador contest an absolute breeze!

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